Citi Double Cash Card

Best & exclusive Citi Double Cash Card for the USA

Citi Double Cash Card

Best No Annual Fee Credit Card

Still, you don’t want confuse yourself with multiple offers of multiple cards, Definitely you want an easy solution and best credit card for you, therefore choose Citi Double Cash Card. Obviously, It offer 2% cash back on all type of purchases and 1% when you will pay the bills.

Certainly, this card has a very easy way to get cash back. Most charming in this card is that there is no limit of getting cash back. Further it have 0% Intro APR for first 18 months on balance transfer. Intro Balance Transfer Fee is 3% of each transfer within first four months of getting membership. After that 5% at each transfer will be charges.


Zero annual fees make this card most attractive card of the market.


Summing up, Cash back at this card is 2%. You will get 1% at the time of purchases and 1% when you pay bill.

Welcome Bonus:

This card offers no welcome bonus.

Annual Fee:

Annual fee at this card is$0.

Intro APR:

0% for the first 18 months on balance transfer.

Regular APR:

Undeniably, Regular APR IS 18.50% TO 28.50%.

Balance Transfer Fee:

If you transfer balance during first four months, you will be charged 3% at each transfer, after that you will be charged 5% fee.

Fee at International/Foreign Transactions:

Foreign Transaction Fee at this card is 3%.

Credit Needed:

To conclude, this card requires Excellent/Very Good credit history.

See rates and fees

Terms and conditions apply

After research at hundred of available cards in the market, our team have shortlisted only a few for you. This card is amongst of our best selection. It has outstanding cash back reward at all purchases. It does not limit you for specific purchases. If you are online retailer and make purchase and sale of different products at daily. This card will enhance your profit by 2%. Similarly, for daily household need such as groceries, medicine, petrol and gas. It is suitable for all purchases. 

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